IFBB Nigeria Fitness Award


It is given  that political leaders, celebrities, Pastors, General Overseers and Imams have  influence over their constituents, fans and followers and can thus be the crucial blocks in the foundation towards attaining healthy lifestyle in mainstream Nigeria. In addition to active media presence which can motivate  people into changing their life styles, these classes of persons also have access to the masses through the  pulpit and soap box with capacity to enact laws that can hasten the attainment of a healthy life style for the majority of our people. To motivate the people to change would however require our leaders, Celebrities, Imams and Pastors and General Overseers to demonstrate healthy lifestyle and physical fitness that engenders healthy body and healthy mind.  We want our leaders to be healthy.

In furtherance of the stated objective coupled with  the need to heighten awareness and increase motivation for immediate change towards a more healthy life style by leaders and their followers; Mr. Soye Elekima, Representative of the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) in Nigeria ( 2 times number 1 winner as the “Best Fitness Administrator in Africa”) and the Health Fitness Revolution Team,(cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, general surgeons, gastrointestinal (GI) surgeons, physiotherapists, physiologists) and Fitnestalkshow media, would carry out a research, on all available data on politicians, Pastors, Ministers , Imams, Actors, Hosts, Musicians and Comedians online, with a combination of interviews, library, industry literature, nutritional habits, age fitness levels, medical issues, as well as involvement and promotions of a healthy lifestyle for the selection of the : the Fittest Politician, Fittest Clergy, Fittest Celebrity, Fittest Business Tycoon for the celebration of the National Fitness Day in Nigeria, were winner will be conferred an award by the International Federation of Fitness and Bodybuilding (IFBB). The Short Code 4506 is for nominating your favorite candidate for any of the categories below and the Short Code for Voting after Nomination is 4507.

Category A 

Fittest Politician

Category B

Fittest Celebrity

Category C 

Fittest Business Tycoon

Category D

Fittest Clergy

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